Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Luke Sullivan Ads


Luke Sullivan Ads

Widen and Kennedy link


Luke Sullivan Ads

The Virtues of Simplicity

Luke Sullivan made several points in his video the Virtues of Simplicity mostly that we live in a world there are a lot of images that have been done. He goes into the creative process and how it is really important to just get all of the ideas on paper and go through all the expected stuff. It is almost like we have an iconic language in each category and how it is still important to write it down to get to the good stuff. Sullivan refers to this "place" where you get away from technology and the noisy part of your brain and just letting the idea come up. Simple gets noticed, you can hear it and the message is clean. To get to simple one must take out all the stuff besides the "low bearing beam" or the meat of the advertisement if you take something out and it still makes sense take it out. Simplicity even goes into the pitch which should be just a sentence. Simple is easy to notice, is faster and easier it is to get the information. Sullivan also makes a strong point that simple is not always visual, copy can also get the same effect.